We found 2 episodes of Sequel Rights with the tag “death”.
Ep 273 - Final Destination
Episode | February 19th, 2025 | 1 hr 10 mins
2000, 2025, ali larter, death, death's design, devon sawa, final destination, final destination bloodlines, flight 180, franchise, horror, magic mind, mouse trap, new line, nine inch nails, paris, podcast, podcasting, sequel, tony todd
The Sequel Rights crew is back to bring you a brand new franchise for 2025!!
We're working our way towards the brand new film Final Destination: Bloodlines that is out this summer and kicking everything off with the original film this week. Join us as we discuss the somehow-25-year-old film Final Destination and see if we can decipher death's design!
Ep 153 - Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (GUEST: Joseph Escamilla)
Episode | August 26th, 2020 | 1 hr 14 mins
air guitar, alex winter, bill, bill and ted's bogus journey, costume, death, denomolos, excellent, excellent adventure, future, george carlin, haloween, heaven, hell, joseph escamilla, keanu reeves, kiss, peace, phone booth, podcast, podcasting, podernfamily, possesion, rufus, sequel, ted, trilogy, william sadler, wyld stallyns
Bill & Ted are back this week! They passed their history exam and are about to embark on a journey through the afterlife with Death by their side. Bill & Ted superfan and friend of the show Joseph Escamilla joins us this week to discuss Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey!